திரைப்பட நூலகம் மற்றும் கற்கை வள நிலையம்
The Ages of Love
- ஆண்டு: 2011
- Edition: First edition
- இயக்குனர்: Giovanni Veronesi
- Actors: Robert De Niro,Monica Bellucci,Riccardo Scamarcio,Michele Placido
- Writer: Ugo Chiti,Giovanni Veronesi
Summary: In Italy 3 men fall in love with 3 different women. First a young engaged lawyer has a fling then ditto with the 2nd married middle-aged man. 3rd story: a retired man/R.D.Niro falls in love with his friend's daughter/M.Bellucci.
- Format: DVD
- Languages: இத்தாலியன்